Posted on 23.01 by roni setiawan | 0 komentar

Currently the computer is not a luxury, it has been utilized in various fields of work as well as in the concept of education. At first computers used in schools to support the graceful work from the field
by utilizing the software Microsoft word, excel and access.With the inclusion of ICT materials within the new curriculum, the role of computers as one of the main components of ICT has a very important position as one of learning media. Excerpt from Curriculum for Subject Information and Communication Technology
· Vision subjects Information and Communication Technology
is for students to and familiar with using Information and Communication Technology tools appropriately and optimally to obtain and process information in mastering activities, work, along with other activities so that students can create, develop imaginative attitude, develop exploratory skills independent, and easily adapt to new developments in environmental subjects · Through Information and Communication Technology students are expected to be involved with rapid alterations in the lives of the additions and changes familiar with using diverse information and communication technology products.
Students use ICT tools
to look, explore, analyze, and exchange information wisely. By using Information and Communication Technology, students will be with
quickly get ideas and experiences from various circles.
Adding the ability of students due to the use of Information and Communication Technology will develop an attitude of initiative and independent learning skills, so students
can decide and consider themselves
when and where the use of Information and Communication appropriately and optimally, such as the implications of current and future.

· Technology Information and Communications Technology (ICT) includes two aspects, namely
It and Communication Technology. Information Technology, covering all matters associated with process, use as aids, manipulation, and management information. Communication technology is everything associated with the use of assistive devices for processing and transferring data in one device to a different. Because of this, It and Communication Technology is an inseparable counterpart containing the broader sense of all activities linked to the processing, manipulation, management, and transfer / transfer information across the media.
In particular, the purpose of studying the Information and Communication Technology are:
1. Students
conscious of the possibility development of information and communication technology continues to change to ensure that students could be motivated to evaluate and focus the data and Communications Technology like a foundation for lifelong learning.
2. Motivating students'
capability to change and anticipate the introduction of Information and Communications Technology, so that students can carry out and live independently seharihari life activities and more confident.
3. Develop students' competence
in using Information and Communication Technology to support learning activities, work, and various activities in everyday life seharihari.
4. Develop study skills-based Information and Communications Technology,
so that the learning process can be optimized, interesting, and encouraging students skilled in communicating, skilled organizing information, and accustomed to working.
5. Develop independent learning skills, initiative, innovative, creative, and responsible
in the utilization of Information and Communication Technology for learning, working, and problem solving seharihari.

By viewing the
contents of the curriculum, we should integrate ICT in teaching and learning in the school not only for the subjects of technology and information only. Looking at the current condition of ICT and it is rise in the future, we must prepare ourselves and do meticulous planning in implementing ICT in schools. If we don't begin right now then your madrasas as one of the educational facilities apart from schools under the Education Ministry will be missed by other schools. Should this happen, our efforts will be increasingly hard to align the madrasa along with other schools. On one side, we're attempting to keep pace during these subjects, especially Mathematics and BahasaInggris, on the other hand ICT will make us further and additional behind. Observing creating a program conducted ICT Ministry to catch the utilization of ICT in schools using their company countries, while iniDepdiknas have ICT development programs in ia.You will find three important positions in the Secretary of state for Education in ICT development program, namely:
1. Vocational fields, ICT becomes
among the majors in vocational school. ICT development is technically both software and hardware contained in the educational curriculum. Establishment of ICT centers throughout Indonesia. For connecting sekolahsekolah center built around ICT WAN (Wireless Area Network) City.
2. Pustekkom,
among the spearheads within the development of interactive educational TV, Elearning and ESMA. This program aims to narrow the gap between educational quality big city with the area.
3. Jardiknas (National Education Network), aims to integrate
the 2 programs above in order to form a network connecting all schools in Indonesia. Expected in the future to ensure that all schools in Indonesia is going to be attached to the Internet. Looking at programs organized through the Ministry of Education we are able to utilize these facilities because they are open.

development in Madrasah in IndependentWe aren't too late to prepare for the mastery of ICT like a medium of learning in schools. From this moment the madrassas and also the Majlis Madrasah should make a general ICT development program. There are many points to create an ICT development plan, including:
1. Unifying vision and mission of ICT development
to become achieved between principal, teachers and majlis schools.
2. Formation Technology Committee (Organisation Labkom) are independent
3. Identify infrastructure agency, whether hardware, software and systems and networks
which have been owned
Resolution of hardware and software for use or developed.
5. Identify
human resources owned
6. Determine
the form of the mastery of ICT practicing both teachers along with other staff.
The presence of a clear Time agenda for the achievement of program
Determination of investment required at regular intervals each year
9. Identify
the development of new software and curriculum
10. Conducting the revised plan tailored
to the developments.
meticulous planning, we can gradually develop ICT at the school so they won't lag behind other schools. Program created emotion implemented on an ongoing basis despite the turn from the head and majilis madrasas. Utilization of ICT For ICT Learning Media is not a stand-alone technology, but it is a combination of hardware and software.Ada important things that must be considered in using ICT like a medium of learning that's hardware and software available and the kinds of learning methods to be utilized. Some utilization of ICT within the learning of these:
1. Presentation
The presentation
is really a method in which is definitely used, using the overhead or chart. The gear used today typically use a computer / laptop and LCD projector. There are several advantages as we make use of ICT among others we are able to display animations and films, so it looks to be more appealing and easier for students to capture the material we deliver. The most popular software
for presentations is Microsoft PowerPoint.
There are several stuff that should be considered in making the presentation materials,
Don't let yourself be a lot of posts be shown.
b. Posts
do not be not big enough they can be seen by many students.
c. Expand
to include images and animations
Attempt to form an interactive presentation.
2. Demonstration
are often used to display a task in front of the class, such experiments. We are able to create a movie Such measures do a task for example how you can perform correct measurements with a micrometer or try taking some important event. So in this manner can we direct students to engage in activities that correct or draw conclusions from such activities.Another way is to make use of the Internet media, we are able to display animations that report to the material we teach (while not all available). As an example to exhibit the direction of the vector cross product we are able to access the web in the address

RightHandRule / RightHandRule.html
3. Virtual Experiment
The objective of the experiment here is a virtual laboratory activities are moved in front of the computer. Children can do some experiments with the use of software for example Crocodile Clips virtual experiments. Miracle traffic bot obtainable at http://www.crocodileclips. com/s3_1.jsp, but we have to register first to obtain an active code that is valid for one month.This process can be used as we do not have an entire science lab or used before performing the particular experiments.
4. Virtual classroom
The reason this is a virtual classroom student self-learning web based, for example using moodle. I give one particualr virtual class that people are developing at MAN 2 Ciamis.Pada this virtual classroom students can get the material, assignments and tests online. We as teachers gain ease in checking assignments and assess students' exam results. Particularly the results of test students will be assessed automatically.
a number of other forms of ICT use that can be used to assist students within the learning process. However it will depend on us how to use it.

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